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The Genealogy of the Barnett and Farrar Families


Matches 51 to 100 of 158

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
51 S88 Death Certificate- Sarah Ann Bond
52 S154 Family Data Collection - Individual Records
Edmund West, comp. 
53 S1 Family group sheet from Joy Ash
Joy Carlene Farrar Ash 
54 S31 Family Search.org
Submitted by: JANE LILLIANN CREZEE 959 EAST 110 SOUTH LINDON UT 84042Submission: AF92-103690 
55 S79 Family Search.org
Submitted by: JANE LILLIANN CREZEE ; 959 EAST 110 SOUTH ; LINDON UT 84042Submission: AF92-103690 
56 S4 FamilySearch.org
57 S73 FamilySearch.org
58 S23 Farrar Family Group Sheets- abt 1950
59 S81 Farrar Family Group Sheets- abt 1950
60 S127 FindaGrave Web site
61 S36 FindAGrave.com
62 S66 Geneology.com
63 S11 Geneology.com
64 S102 George Farrar - Last Will and Testament
65 S35 http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=perrin&id=I0602
Natalie Davis - davisnm@eartlink.net 
66 S75 http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=perrin&id=I0602
Natalie Davis - davisnm@eartlink.net 
67 S72 http://www.voicenet.com/~hsimmons/12LA%20WEB%20Site/Company%20C.htm
R. Hugh Simmons 
68 S5 http://www.voicenet.com/~hsimmons/12LA%20WEB%20Site/Company%20C.htm
R. Hugh Simmons 
69 S67 Interview with Ann Schultz
70 S10 Interview with Ann Schultz
71 S109 Itawamba County Mississippi Deed Book 2
72 S104 John D Barnett - Mary E Rawls marriage certificate
73 S27 John D Barnett Jr Obituary
Transcripted From Bryan Daily Eagle by FindAGrave 
74 S52 John D Barnett Jr Obituary
Transcripted From Bryan Daily Eagle by FindAGrave 
75 S26 John D Barnett Sr Obituary
76 S53 John D Barnett Sr Obituary
77 S3 Manley Family web site
78 S74 Manley Family web site
79 S22 Mattie L Craig Keeton Death Certificate
80 S56 Mattie L Craig Keeton Death Certificate; Mattie Lou Craig Keeton Death Certificate
81 S125 Mississippi, Homestead and Cash Entry Patents, Pre-1908
United States, Bureau of Land Management 
82 S58 Missouri GenWeb
83 S20 Missouri GenWeb
84 S119 Muster Roll.
Texas. Brazos. 
85 S17 newenglandancestors.org
86 S61 newenglandancestors.org
87 S108 News article- Bullock arrested for murder
88 S98 News Article- Mexia Daily News- Oda Mae Farrar
89 S144 North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000
90 S158 North Carolina, Marriage Records, 1741-2011
91 S95 Oda Mae Farrar death certificate
92 S97 Oda Mae Harless Headstone
93 S6 OneGreatFamily.com
94 S71 OneGreatFamily.com
95 S62 Pocahontas connection
96 S16 Pocahontas connection
97 S103 Poetsvisions.com
98 S165 Richard J Farrar: person, pictures and information - Fold3.com
99 S69 RootsWeb.com
100 S8 RootsWeb.com

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