Sources |
- [S32] Ancestry World Tree Project - (Reliability: 3).
This file should be used as an additional resource only and has someearly speculation
Updated: Sat Feb 7 20:57:19 2004
Contact: Paul Mears
Home Page: Meares-Rhinehart-Blackburn-Jones of SC/NC/TN at
- [S78] Ancestry World Tree Project - (Reliability: 3).
This file should be used as an additional resource only and has some early speculation
Updated: Sat Feb 7 20:57:19 2004
Contact: Paul Mears
Home Page: Meares-Rhinehart-Blackburn-Jones of SC/NC/TN at
- [S21] Webster County Land Records, (Reliability: 2), 19 Oct 2008.
Sale of Lots?The sale of town lots by auction took place August 11, 1856,prices ranging from $21 (about the lowest) to $261.50, the highest sumrealized for any one lot. The county seat commissioners reported thesales and settled with the county in November following, the proceedsamounting to $4,385.75. Payment, almost invariably, was made in each caseby secured note for one year. Among the purchasers in Prospect Row wereG. B. Maupin, Neely Pryor, J. P. Thomas, William R. Rogers, WilliamCaple, Louis Gibbons, A. E. Goss, J. T. McKey, Henry King and others.Included in the list of those who became owners of lots in Monticello Roware found the names of P. L. Burford, J. H. Fagg, Charles W. Robinson andD. M. Terry. Mr. Robinson, W. B. Shook, Jacob Vanzant, Daniel George andJ. E. Hollis and others also bought in Mount Vernon Row. In Hermitage RowDenny Turner, J. E. Haymes, D. L. Burford, Leander Cloud and William Huntbecame property owners. The next December the lots left unsold wereordered disposed of at private sale, when many of those already mentionedindicated their faith in the town?s future by purchasing moreextensively. In addition Thomas Wisley, Z. Young, G. P. R. and T. T.Vanzant, Cicero McGinty, R. C. Matthews, Thomas B. Coleman, Henry King,James Triplett, John R. Taggard, John B. Dixon, and others too numerousto mention, invested. For negotiating these private sales the county seatcommissioners received the munificent sum of $20. In November, 1857,other lots were sold, and some of those formerly disposed of were resold,while in December certain ones were declared forfeited, and brought onlya fraction of the original price. In November, 1858, another series offorfeited lots were offered, and bought by Harper Rice, Henry King, C. C.Smith, N. T. Smith, John B. Dixon and P. L. Burford. In February, Julyand October, 1859, September, 1860, March, 1861, and February, 1866,sales were also made, prices, as a rule, being well maintained.
- [S12] 1860 Census, (Reliability: 2), 17 Oct 0008.
3 536 532 Shook William 52 M Farmer1,000 2,510 NC X
4 536 532 Shook Mary 48 F Tenn X
5 536 532 Shook Joseph B 17 M Tenn X
6 536 532 Shook Jacob 14 M MO X
7 536 532 Shook John 11 M MO X
8 536 532 Shook Benjamin 9 M MO X
9 536 532 Shook Rebecca 6 F MO
10 536 532 Shook Phillip 2 M MO
- [S20] Missouri GenWeb, (Reliability: 3), 18 Oct 0008.
SHOOK William B 3/1/1860 Springfield 27112MO5670__.113
SHOOK William B 3/1/1860 Springfield 27155MO5670__.153
SHOOK William B 4/3/1848 Springfield 8178MO5300__.407
- [S58] Missouri GenWeb, (Reliability: 0), 18 Oct 0008.
SHOOK William B 3/1/1860 Springfield 27112 MO5670__.113 SHOOK William B 3/1/1860 Springfield 27155 MO5670__.153 SHOOK William B 4/3/1848 Springfield 8178 MO5300__.407
- [S4] (Reliability: 3), 14 Jan 2007.
Abraham Shook info b:1785
- [S73] (Reliability: 3), 14 Jan 2007.
Abraham Shook info b:1785