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On the afternoon of August 2nd, 1997, a number of the descendants of Micajah and Joroyal gathered together at the Barnett Cemetery in Camp Croft to dedicate these stones; this followed the annual Reunion of those descendants at Quincy's, on Reidville Road, near Spartanburg. At the dedication service, a memorial to these two ancestors was delivered by Dr.. Joel H. Fisher, husband of Lorene B. Fisher. The following is a copy of his remarks (with minimum editing):
"We are gathered here today, August 2nd, 1997, to honor the memory of two of our ancestors: Rev. Joroyal Barnett, born October 10, 1758, in Virginia, died June 6, 1812, in South Carolina, and Rev. Micajah C. Barnett, Sr., born May 13, 1760, also in Virginia, and died on January 9, 1837, in Spartanburg County, South Carolina.
"These two brothers were sons of a Spartanburg County pioneer family - that of Joseph Barnett (born 1731, died 1802) & Lucy Wade Barnett, from Goochland County, Virginia. We are standing in Joseph & Lucy Barnett family cemetery for this ceremony.
"I'd like to say a few words remembering and honoring Rev. Joroyal Barnett. He married Agnes Glenn, who was born about 1757-60, in Virginia, and died in 1852, in Spartanburg County, South Carolina, well into her 90s. They had 11 children.
"Joroyal was a charter member of Cedar Springs Baptist Church. He held these offices there: Association Messenger, Church Clerk, Ordained Elder, Deacon, & Ordained Minister. He was their 'beloved minister' when he died 1812 of a colic disorder.
"Historian John R. Logan said of him, quote, 'Elder Joroyal Barnett was a member of the Cedar Springs (Baptist) church and was one of the pioneer ministers of the Broad River Association. In 1811, he was chosen Moderator of the body which is evidence of his high and respectable standing in the Association at that day and time.' End of quote.
"On 22 March, 1812, Elias Stone, Ordinary of Spartanburg District, South Carolina, certified that he had publicly read the citation to Administer on the Estate of the Rev'd Joroyal Barnett, deceased. He read that 'at a meeting of the Methodist. denomination in about a mile of the house of the deceased on the 22nd of March, 1812.' (Estate file #432). We assume this was at Antioch Methodist church. I suppose Elias Stone was a Methodist and that's why the citation wasn't read at Cedar Springs, and the Methodist Church was only about 1 mile from JorRoyal's residence. Perhaps old Cedar Springs Baptist was about two miles from his house. We can only speculate.
"We do not know positively if Joroyal is buried here, but we are pretty safe in assuming that he is. His father died 10 years prior to Joroyal and he is buried here and his stone survives.
"Joroyal's military service came before his ministry. I chose to mention it last.
"I ordered a copy of Joroyal's Revolutionary War service record - three pages arrived with very little data. He served in Roebuck's Regiment in the militia 'since the fall of Charleston' and was paid on June 30, 1786. We regret we do not know any particulars of his service. Bobby G. Moss records him in his Roster of South Carolina Patriots in the American Revolution. His account # is AA297.
Joroyal died 185 years ago. He lived only 53 & 3/4 years. His descendants number in the thousands. He has left us a legacy well worth emulation.
Rev. Micajah Cicero Barnett, Sr., was born on May 13, 1760, in Goochland County, Virginia. He died on January 9, 1837, in Spartanburg County, South Carolina. He was married twice - first to a lady whose first name was Jean or Jene Glenn (she was a sister of Agnes Glenn Barnett. Agnes and Jean/jene were daughters of Tyree and Sarah Shelton Glenn. Jean/Jenn were baptized on 25 June 1764, per Douglas Register. She died 17 December 1812 and is buried in the Barnett Cemetery), and second to Frances White, born on October 4, 1776, in South Carolina, died on April 23, 1852, aged 75 years, in Spartanburg County, South Carolina.
"Micajah administered the estate of his mother Lucy on 15 May, 1812. Interesting and sad. We also note that Micajah's first wife Jene and three of Micajah and Jene's daughters died between November 1812 and January, 1813. Maybe they died from an epidemic. Joroyal died in June of 1812, so this was a terrible time in the lives of our ancestors' families.
"Micajah remarried to Frances White James, widow of Charles James, who had two small children. She was a daughter of Henry and Frances White of Spartanburg District, South Carolina. Jene had 10 children and Frances had two children by Micajah. Frances brought two with her from her first marriage. This made fourteen children. Some of the oldest ones were married by the time of his second marriage.
"Micajah was a minister also. I was hoping Billy Barnett could put together the memorial for Micajah, but he did not think he would be here or be able to do it. I do not know where he preached. Micajah, in his will, referred to himself as a planter. We know he owned a large amount of land in Spartanburg County. In 1796 he bought 200 acres on the south side of Pacolet River for 20 lbs. sterling. In 1808 he bought 130 acres on Thomson's Branch of Kelsey's Creek. There are other transactions.
"He was a successful farmer. He owned several slaves and requested that they not be sold but be distributed among his children. He was a considerate master. He probably inherited a slave from his father as he had five at his death in 1802.
"One of the biggest thrills to us Barnetts came when the family Bible of Joseph and Lucy Barnett was located in Virginia. The owner is Pamela Reid, 4265 Berwick Place, Woodbridge, VA 22192. This Bible record gives Joseph and Lucy's children's names and dates. Then we find Micajah's children's names and dates by his first wife Jene. And lastly we find William (born 1768) & Sarah Foster's children & dates given. This is a goldmine! We already had a copy of Micajah's Bible so we feel very lucky to have access to this new record.
"Micajah's Revolutionary War papers were lacking information also. He served in Col. Benjamin Roebuck's Regiment "since the fall of Charleston", May, 1780. Account #AA299. I assume he and Joroyal served together. Bobby Moss also lists him as a Patriot in his book. There were fourteen Barnetts listed from South Carolina. We can be proud of the military service he gave to his country. This was a sacrifice. He left the comfort and safety of his home to risk his life. You are here today to honor his Courage and your good name. You are a credit to this fine old name. The majority of you here today descend from this man."
This concluded the remarks of Dr. Fisher at the Dedication Service. Those remarks were written by Dr. Fisher's wife, Lorene B. Fisher, a fifth great-granddaughter of Rev. Joroyal Barnett. This is from Nolen Brunson's book
It should be noted that Joel and Lorene Fisher bought the tombstone for Agnes Glenn Barnett and put it in the Barnett plot. Also that through the generosity of Kermit Barnett paid for the shippong of the stones of Joroyal and Micajah Barnett.
*The above information is from Nolen Brunson's book THE BARNETT - MCMAKIN UNION and updated material from Loren Fisher 9/02.